Remo MagnifiCal


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Provides Essential Macrominerals to your Plants.

MagnifiCal is super chelated, resulting in a quicker uptake to your plants. Their formula has been specially designed speed up absorption rates and can start affecting your plants within a couple of hours after use.

MagnifiCal can be used as an additive or foliar spray. MagNifiCal contains chelated calcium, calcium nitrate, magnesium nitrate, and iron in two forms.

Using multiple chelates in MagNifiCal results in a quicker and more effective uptake to your plants. Our formula is specially designed to enhance absorption rates, and can be used as a foliar spray.

Calcium increases fruit size, cell division, and aids in stengthening of cell walls. Magnesium increases the availability and efficiency of phosphorous in AstroFlower. Using two forms of iron chelate (EDTA and EDDHA) ensures that iron is absorbed properly and is stable in a variety of pH levels.