AutoPot Pot XL Systems


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AutoPot XL Pot Modules

No electricity, no pumps, no timers – and no effort. The XL AutoPot Modules provide fresh nutrient solution to large plants, as and when they need it. 


No more hand watering

This scalable system is like no other. It uses a patented, gravity-led mechanism to detect when individual plants run low on nutrient solution and tops them up with just the right amount. 

Each kit contains a FlexiTank and up to 100 25L pots, plus all the basic tubing and accessories you’ll need to set up your AutoPot system. 

Whether you’re potting larger plants or setting smaller ones up for life, the XL Pot allows plenty of room for root growth and removes the need to transplant later on. 


Never over- or under-feeds

AutoPot leads with innovation. Its AQUAvalve technology makes feeding easier, cheaper, more environmentally friendly, and more accurate – what more does a grower need?

The technology works by gravity feeding from a larger reservoir such as the FlexiTank. The AQUAvalve sits in the centre of your AutoPot system and fills with up to 20mm of nutrient solution. Once the 20mm has been distributed, a unique float valve system creates an airlock which prevents any more solution from entering the valve. The Aquavalve then allows your plants to drink all of this nutrient solution – so it’ll never overflow or overfeed.

Once your plants have absorbed this 20mm of nutrient solution, the airlock in the AQUAvalve is broken and it distributes another 20mm of fresh nutrient solution into the valve ready for feeding. 

Then, the cycle continues, with no input from the grower except for making sure that the reservoir is full. And with a FlexiTank as large as 750L included, that’s hardly a regular job. 


No electricity, no pumps, no timers

The greatest benefit of the AutoPot automatic feeding system is that you can leave it to do all the hard work! In close second is the fact that it costs nothing to run

The AutoPot needs no electricity, no pumps, and no timers and can be left safely for as long as the reservoir contains nutrient solution. There’s no risk of it malfunctioning should you lose power, and you’ll have no energy bill. That’s music to a grower’s ears!


Easy to scale

AutoPot brings easy feeding to any grow room, no matter its size. Once you have the 1 Pot XL Module and a tank, you’ll only need additional modules and accessories to scale your growing system to any size. 

It’s also easy to adjust as your garden evolves. Each pot can be rotated, removed, or swapped without disrupting the system. 

The XL Multiple Pot kits are ideal for larger-scale growers; you’ll find kits anywhere from 4 to 100 pots. Connect multiple kits to build a custom setup and cultivate a pretty much infinite number of plants. 

For smaller pots, try the standard 15L AutoPot Multiple Pot Systems. 

If you’re just looking to grow one plant, the 1 Pot XL Module may be a better choice. There’s always room to expand!


How to use AutoPot Systems?

AutoPots feed from underneath. Because of this, they require a highly absorbent substrate to draw nutrient solution from below and distribute it evenly around the root system. 

We recommend that you use an aerated substrate mix with the AutoPot, such as a coco or perlite blend (ratios between 50/50 and 70/30). For best results, put an inch of clean, buffered perlite or clay pebbles at the bottom of your AutoPot. This will achieve maximum aeration and deliver nutrient solution most evenly to the plant. It also helps with drainage. 

You can place plants in the AutoPot system at any stage of growth, but it’s recommended that you hand-water them until their roots are fully established. This should take approximately 10-14 days. 

Before potting your plants, place the XL Root Control Disc into the base of the pot, gold face down. This prevents your roots from growing out of the bottom and sides of the pot and blocking the feeding system. 


Once you’ve hand-watered for 10-14 days (or you’re using established plants), it’s time to start! 

Make sure your kit contains all the parts specified before getting started. Take your pots and position them as you would like. 


  • 1 x square pot;

  • 1 x AQUAvalve5;

  • 1 x lid;

  • 1 x length of tubing;

  • 1 x T connector;

  • 1 x XL Root Control Disc

 in front of each tray. 


Take your FlexiTank and place it on a raised surface at least 6 inches (300mm) above the height of the trays. Push your top hat grommet into the hole at the bottom of the tank and push your tubing through the grommet.

From the inside of the FlexiTank, push your golf filter into the tubing. This should secure the tubing in place. 

Using scissors, cut the tubing to the appropriate length. Attach your tap (near the tank) and your T connectors.

 There should be one long length of tubing coming out of the tank, with one short length of tubing (connected by a T) per plant pot. 

Remove the collar from your AQUAvalve and thread the tubing through the collar and onto the AQUAvalve nozzle. Re-tighten (but do not over-tighten) the AQUAvalve collar. Repeat for each AQUAvalve in your system. Place the AQUAvalve in the tray and “click” it into place over the T-section on the base of the tray. Place the lid over the AQUAvalve. 

Repeat this process for all AQUAvalves and trays in your system. 

Once you have set up your AQUAvalves and trays, it’s time to set up your 15L pots. Place a Marix Disc and/or a Root Control Disc (gold side down) into the base of each pot. Add your aerated substrate and pot your plants. 

Water the pots and allow them to drain. Once the pots have drained, place them inside the trays. If you have young plants, this is the point where you must hand water them for 10-14 days! 

Once the 10-14 days of hand watering have passed (or you are potting established plants), you may fill up the FlexiTank with your nutrient solution. 

Turn on your AutoPot system using the taps and it is ready to use. 


How to clean and maintain the AutoPot XL Pot Module?

  • Check and clean all components of the AutoPot regularly. Flush a cleaning solution through at the beginning and end of every plant cycle. 

  • Once every 2 weeks, drain 1-2L of solution from your AutoPot by opening the tap at the end of each line. This is to help prevent sediment buildup and reduce the risk of blockages. 

  • Before and after cleaning your AQUAvalves, remove the 2 silicon bungs. Squash them between your fingers and reinsert. 

  • Keep your nutrient solution clean and well-mixed at all times. We also recommend that you avoid sticky solutions, such as seaweed extracts – these can build up in the AutoPot system. 

  • Keep your plants on a well-insulated surface to prevent them from becoming too cold. Stone and concrete floors can become extremely cold and send your plants into shock. If you don’t have a work surface or an insulated floor, place your pots on upturned plastic trays to conserve heat. 


Where to use AutoPot Systems?

You can place your AutoPot system anywhere! It’s suitable for both indoor and outdoor growing – use it in your garden, greenhouse, shed, grow tent, or hydroponic grow room. 

It also makes great use of previously “difficult” or unfarmable land. Create a custom roof garden, make the most of your patio, or end your struggle with poor-quality soil. The AutoPot XL module keeps plants fed through it all. 


Why choose AutoPot Systems?

  • Automatic plant feeding system;

  • Detects low nutrient solution and refills;

  • Patented gravity-led technology – no pumps, timers, or electricity;

  • Almost no maintenance required;

  • Remove, rotate, and swap plants without disturbing others;

  • Includes AutoPot FlexiTank, 25L pots, and necessary connection accessories;

  • Connect up to 100 pots for versatile feeding. 


Items Included:

All Multi Pot Systems contain the same equipment. However, quantities, lengths, and sizes of each piece of equipment may vary based on the amount of pots per system. 

Variable quantities or lengths are marked as X – please see your preferred number of pots for the exact specifications you will receive. 


  • 1 x FlexiTank

  • X x 25L Pot

  • X x AQUAvalve5

  • X x Marix Discs

  • X x Root Control Discs

  • 1 x 16mm Click-Fit Tank Adaptor & Filter

  • 1 x Length of Xm Tubing (9mm diameter)

  • 1 x Length of Xm Tubing (16mm diameter)

  • X x 16mm In-Line Tap(s)

  • X x 16mm Tee Connectors

  • X x 16mm – 9mm Cross Connectors

  • X x 1Pot Tray, Lid, and 9mm Top Hat Grommet


Product Specifications:

  • Brand: AutoPot

  • Pot Capacity: 25L